This morning our Prep students learnt all about the science behind toys. By exploring movement, materials and their senses, the students had tonnes of hands on fun! Four groups of students rotated through a myriad of activities in order to explore forces and motion, push 
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Last Thursday, students from our ELC got the opportunity to venture out into our Senior School for a very special Science class, ran by our excellent Head of Senior School, Mrs Sharron Frame. Eager and enthralled, our ELC students sat ever so quietly as Mrs 
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Last week our students flew to Adelaide to compete in the National Schools Event. Followed by much anticipation, our Girls Table Tennis team secured a Premiership! The girls won the NSE Premiership by defeating the six other Orthodox Schools from around Australia. They won 34 
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Our senior physical activity group comprising mostly of our Chinese international students, were treated to a masterclass lesson in Australian Rules Footy, by none other than our dashing head of PE Mr Wengier. Mr Wengier is a die hard Collingwood supporter (and he still has 
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Year 2F, 2K and 2P travelled back in time to the early 1900s by spending the day at Bundoora Heritage Park Farm on Thursday 14th March. Our students experienced life as it would have been back in the ‘olden days’. They were taught a lesson 
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On Friday the 15th of March Oakleigh Grammar joined schools around Australia to take action against bullying. Aimed at empowering young people, this day encourages students to stand up and address behaviour they are uncomfortable with, to ensure a contribution to creating a safer environment 
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As many of you are aware, a recent event took place in NYC that brought three leading academics to share their current research projects which are examining various aspects of the Arrowsmith Program. As many of you have already witnessed in your own role in 
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Yesterday morning, our Year 10 students officially began their Senior School career development journey, participating in the Career STEPS Program. The program facilitators were our Careers Advisor, Mrs Michelle Mascaro, together with Career Consultant, Ms Lisa White, who ran the program which involved hands-on interactive workshops. 
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In celebration of International Women’s Day on Friday 8th March, some of our Middle School and Senior School students came together at lunchtime today to make purple support ribbons. The purple ribbons are being sold this week to teachers and students to acknowledge IWD 2019, 
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On Tuesday 26th February selected Year 4 – 6 students competed in the Bentleigh District Swimming Carnival, at Oakleigh Recreation Centre. We had wonderful weather, and the students were excited to put all their hard work and training into practice on the day. Thank you 
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