At Oakleigh Grammar we have established a navigational structure to help our staff, our students and parents at home, succeed to the best of their ability while directing our students’ education remotely. The references below can be downloaded to ensure clarity on our programs and 
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A message from our Principal, Mr Mark Robertson, on the following new staff appointments this term:   I am delighted to advise the appointment of Mr Lance Ryan as Deputy Principal – Teaching and Learning, replacing Mr Peter Cummins who left our School at the 
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The fire of literacy is created by the emotional sparks between a child, a book, and the person reading. It isn’t achieved by the book alone, nor by the child alone, nor by the adult who’s reading aloud—it’s the relationship winding between all three, bringing 
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In Orthodox Studies, the Year 1 students have been learning about Holy Friday. Megali Paraskevi is the most sacred day of Holy Week. The church bells ring all morning to remember it is a day of mourning. Girls decorate the Epitafio – the funeral bier. 
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The Year 2 students embarked on a trip to Geelong Monastery, where they were amazed by the architecture of a spectacular church sitting on the top of the hill, overlooking all of Geelong.  We arrived in time to take part in a beautiful Liturgy.  The 
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I am pleased to report that the results of our Graduating Class of 2019 are strong and overall our students performed to their potential.  The results show that during the course of their education the majority of our 2019 students have reached new personal heights 
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http:// Oakleigh Grammar will be welcoming our new Head of Junior School – Mrs Shelley Parkes, in Term 1, 2020. Mrs Parkes will bring a wealth of knowledge, that we believe will greatly help further develop and grow our Junior School, drawing on an expansive 
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My name is Sotiris and I am in Year 7. Last month while I was having lunch with a family friend, I was informed about a special project which started about a year ago and takes place bi-monthly at St Panteleimon Greek Orthodox Church in 
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Good morning your Grace Bishop Iakovos, Father George, Mr Robertson, teachers and students. I have been given the great pleasure of speaking on behalf of the student body about our beloved Bishop and friend. As I am sure most of you are aware, Bishop Iakovos 
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Dear Parents and Guardians, We begin our final reflection with our time in Beijing, having arrived safely on the bullet train and from meeting our new guide, Lily. Tiananmen Square, the world’s largest square, was our first sightseeing destination on Friday. With the 70th Anniversary 
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