Today our VIP’s (very important Prep’s) walked the red carpet for their very first day of school. Watch this video to see the excitement and joy from both parents and children as they enter through the shining gates of Oakleigh Grammar. We can’t wait to 
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In true 2020 fashion, our Oakleigh Grammar Awards Ceremony was delivered very differently this year. It was unfortunate not coming together as a community to celebrate our awarded students in front of all their loved ones, and paying them the recognition they deserve completing such 
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Year 9 student Georgianna has been no stranger to achievement throughout her time at Oakleigh Grammar. Georgianna was elected a 2020 House Captain, has an outstanding academic history and this year beat the School record with a 35.95 time for under 14 girls backstroke, leading 
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As our year comes to an end, this is normally a time that we would fill our school halls with the wonderful display of collective artwork from our students created in the year that was. Unfortunately, like most things in 2020 we have been unable 
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  Despite Melbourne’s lockdown being one of the toughest in the world, the Year 10 students still completed their personal projects. The Personal Project is an IB requirement for all students in the final year of the MYP and showcases their passion for learning. This 
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Last week we welcomed our new 2021 Preps back for their third Transition Day. We were blown away with how well these little ones followed instruction and politely lined up to get their new library bags. We can’t wait to start your 2021 learning journey 
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Article written by Sarah Caffrey The Leader In Me Facilitator Habit 7 is the habit of renewal.  The effective practice of Habit 7 is the commitment to daily renewal for ourselves.  We call this our daily Private Victory.  Achieving this means that we are willing 
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During Term 3 our Year 7 Individuals and Societies students have been investigating life in ancient China.  As part of the unit of work, the students had an opportunity to select their own discoveries from over 50 different activities, with varying degrees of difficulty, and 
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During this challenging time, we are all experiencing various degrees of anger, sadness and boredom. Usually a way of coping with and navigating our way through these feelings involves trying to find creative outlets. Dealing with the pandemic through creativity allows us to reflect on 
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Congratulations to our Year 9 Chinese class who participated in the Education Perfect Victorian Championship last week, where our students successfully won a gold award, silver award and two credit awards. Overall we ranked 10th in Chinese out of 175 schools, what an achievement! Even 
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