To our Oakleigh Grammar students and Community, As we near the completion of a full week of Remote Learning, Father George and I, wish to say a few words of support and appreciation to you as we share the Lockdown experience with you. Please click 
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A key role in the growth of our students towards the end of their schooling experience is their time spent with Career Advisor, Michelle Mascaro. She has been entrusted to develop and implement a comprehensive and planned program of learning experiences to assist students to 
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It has been advised by our Board Secretary, Mrs. Xanthi Dellis, of the confirmation of the Oakleigh Grammar Board membership for 2021 – 2023. The new Board of Management elected the following Executive members: President (Chair) – Chris Damatopoulos Vice President – George Giannaros Secretary 
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 2021 is shaping up to be the best year yet for Oakleigh Grammar, as the School continues to thrive and develop exceptional learning programs,  development opportunities and physical environments for students.   Oakleigh Grammar is delighted to announce that the School’s Early Learning Centre has 
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Yesterday, Oakleigh Grammar held its annual Term 3 Commencement Assembly. An event where our students and staff celebrate the introduction of the Semester Two school year,  a time that can be equal parts challenging, fast-paced and rewarding. The assembly concluded with presentations for some of 
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Hi everybody! My name is Greg Watt and I am very excited to be joining the Oakleigh Grammar team and community as Head of Library. I spent my early years living and working in Western Australia and Victoria, before moving overseas and living and working 
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Whilst all Government and some Independent Schools were closed today for staff to prepare for remote learning, Oakleigh Grammar never missed a beat. The leadership of Oakleigh Grammar had prepared in anticipation of future lockdowns and on this occasion there was a seamless transition from 
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Our Mother Tongue Committee created a video to celebrate the diversity of languages spoken at Oakleigh Grammar. Although not all languages have been represented (yet) we had Greek, Mandarin, Serbian, Punjabi, Arabic, Italian, Cambodian, Russian and Tamil speakers. Well done to all students involved. We 
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We are proud to announce that Oakleigh Grammar has been nominated for Primary School of the Year – Non-Government as part of the Australian Education Awards 2021 🏅 The Australian Education Awards 2021 winners will be announced in August. Irrespective of the outcome we are 
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Barbara Arrowsmith-Young has been featured by Huffington Post, 60 Minutes, BBC, TEDx Talks, Google and many other organizations for her groundbreaking work with neuroplasticity. Her methods have revolutionized neuroscience and changed the lives of thousands who struggled with learning and cognitive challenges. On April 21st, 
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