Principal Mark Robertson was delighted to welcome past Oakleigh Grammar teacher and current Sister of The Holy Stavropegic Monastery of Chrysopigi Chania back to Oakleigh Grammar. Sister Theoleati Moutafis started working at Oakleigh Grammar in 1994 and left in 1999. She mainly taught Year 11 
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Prior to the commencement of the school year, our 2022 student leaders from all three schools gathered for our first-ever Student Leadership Workshop. The program included targeted training from members of our School Executive team, the opportunity to brainstorm ideas and beginning to develop action 
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Oakleigh Grammar is proud to announce the School Dux for 2021 is Steven Kostopolous with an ATAR of 96.1. His VCE results included four study scores above 40 for English, Business Management, Legal studies and History-Revolutions. Steven is hoping to obtain entry into a double 
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Congratulations is extended to Mr Wu on being accepted into the prestigious Bastow Institute Teaching Excellence Program. We are confident that Mr Wu will benefit immensely, as will our School from his participation is such a program in 2022. The Teaching Excellence Program (TEP), is the flagship program by the Department 
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Congratulations to Mel Fitzgerald, Oakleigh Grammar’s MYP Coordinator, on her article published on IB schools Australasia website. The article is a great reflection as to how Oakleigh Grammar was able to adapt throughout recent years and still achieve incredible outcomes. Click the link below to read the 
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Congratulations to the Oakleigh Grammar Year 10 students who have been accepted into the Monash Scholars program in 2021: Mitanshu C Arthur D Noah P Monash Scholars is a prestigious program offered by Monash University for high achieving secondary school students. The program gives high 
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Congratulations to Adam H for his work on his MYP Personal Project. Read below to learn about what Adam studied and learnt. “The main goal of my project was to investigate hand sanitiser and its effectiveness in killing bacteria and viruses, essentially keeping hands clean 
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Principal Mark Robertson talks with Shelley Parkes “Get to know the Head of Junior School” Click the image below to begin the podcast:
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This is the day of the National Anniversary of Greek Independence. It may be known as the ‘World War II National Holiday’. History of Ochi Day At 3 am on October 28th 1940, an ultimatum from Italian Prime Minister Benito Mussolini was handed to former 
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Here at Oakleigh Grammar’s Arrowsmith Program, we are preparing students for an uncertain world, where we can’t predict the types of jobs or skills that may be required. How do we do this? The answer – teach our students to become lifelong learners. There are 16 
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