This past Sunday the 12th May, our Head of Senior School, Sharron Frame, accompanied by some of our generous teachers, lead 16 Year 11 students around the Tan track to raise money for the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Leading up to the event, our entrepreneurial students 
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Last week our students flew to Adelaide to compete in the National Schools Event. Followed by much anticipation, our Girls Table Tennis team secured a Premiership! The girls won the NSE Premiership by defeating the six other Orthodox Schools from around Australia. They won 34 
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School Captains, Vasiliki Tamvakis and William Athanaskis represented our School this week in an incredibly thought provoking educational project, which saw 160 captains from all over Melbourne participate in conversations on how this generation will change our world. Written below is the Oakleigh Grammar contribution, one that 
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On Friday the 15th of March Oakleigh Grammar joined schools around Australia to take action against bullying. Aimed at empowering young people, this day encourages students to stand up and address behaviour they are uncomfortable with, to ensure a contribution to creating a safer environment 
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As many of you are aware, a recent event took place in NYC that brought three leading academics to share their current research projects which are examining various aspects of the Arrowsmith Program. As many of you have already witnessed in your own role in 
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Yesterday morning, our Year 10 students officially began their Senior School career development journey, participating in the Career STEPS Program. The program facilitators were our Careers Advisor, Mrs Michelle Mascaro, together with Career Consultant, Ms Lisa White, who ran the program which involved hands-on interactive workshops. 
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In celebration of International Women’s Day on Friday 8th March, some of our Middle School and Senior School students came together at lunchtime today to make purple support ribbons. The purple ribbons are being sold this week to teachers and students to acknowledge IWD 2019, 
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Kalimera dear friends, What a fantastic event the response and positivity really blew me away. All races, colours, creeds coming together as one, in the image and likeness of God, with such vibrancy and positivity about our Oakleigh Grammar, can only be a good thing. The 
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Student Voice – I have always had a strong belief in the importance of student voice, and empowering our students to lead change through action. These views were strongly reinforced recently when I had the opportunity to share in a workshop run by the CSE 
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With devoutness and joy, our student commenced their academic year with The Blessing of The Waters. The service was presided by His Grace Bishop Iakovos of Miletoupolis and assisted by our School Chaplain, Father George Adamakis and Father John Demertzidis and parent of our School 
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