Please see the article written by Principal, Mark Robertson in the Linkedin link below:
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I was a happy letter. I would do art with A and play on the monkey bars with M. But most of the time, I would play alone. One night, N posted an embarrassing image online. I logged out and went to bed not feeling 
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His Eminence, Archbishop Makarios, has kindly responded to a letter the School recently wrote to him in relation to our gifts and card acknowledging his first anniversary as our Primate. Click here to read the letter
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As you may be aware, our School is inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach within our Early Learning Centre. The Reggio Emilia Philosophy is an innovative and inspiring approach to early childhood education. This approach views young children as curious about their world and have the powerful potential to learn from all that surrounds them. This way 
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The Makerspace phenomenon is growing around the world, becoming a hot topic in the education system. The concept is gaining traction for the many benefits they provide students for their time at school and beyond. As of this year, Oakleigh Grammar is excited to announce 
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Oakleigh Grammar works with AEAS to recruit and test international students and meet their families. AEAS events are held annually in China and bring together Australian schools, quality student recruitment agents and international families considering applying to Australian schools. Understanding our key markets, and where 
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The Premier and the Minister for Education have announced the timeline for the 2020 VCE examinations. This is great news for senior secondary students, their families and teachers supporting them during this unprecedented global event. Written exams will be conducted between 9 November and 2 
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We are currently midway through National Careers Week Australia, an annual event to celebrate careers, career development and career development practitioners. This event is critical for our students to start preparing them for life beyond school, and to help them make better decisions about their 
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Books bring people together. Stories are one of the ways we connect as human beings. They enrich the connections that we make with each other, and the connections that we make with reading and learning. Therefore, the National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) event is essential for 
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Our students have been busy creating the most adorable and thoughtful cards for the special women in their lives. Read their ‘I Love You Pages’ below:   “Dear best Mummy ever, I hope that you have the best Mother’s Day! Thank you for always helping 
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