Kalimera dear friends, What a fantastic event the response and positivity really blew me away. All races, colours, creeds coming together as one, in the image and likeness of God, with such vibrancy and positivity about our Oakleigh Grammar, can only be a good thing. The 
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Physical Theatre is a different type of theatre where actors use their bodies to create images, objects, props, emotions, meaning and more. In our Year 9 Drama class this term, our students are gaining strength in their training for their upcoming assessment, where they are 
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Student Voice – I have always had a strong belief in the importance of student voice, and empowering our students to lead change through action. These views were strongly reinforced recently when I had the opportunity to share in a workshop run by the CSE 
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Yesterday, our science students got to experiment with the process of nucleation. The experiment looks at how the carbon dioxide (CO2) in soda attaches to pits and spaces in objects, and with the porous shell of a Mentos having many, this creates a combustion reaction. Due 
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With devoutness and joy, our student commenced their academic year with The Blessing of The Waters. The service was presided by His Grace Bishop Iakovos of Miletoupolis and assisted by our School Chaplain, Father George Adamakis and Father John Demertzidis and parent of our School 
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During the course of the day the children were able to enter the farm. We looked at the weather and it was absolutely wonderful, however the wet had made it a little slippery, this made it a great day to wear special booties. The children 
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In 2019 the National Summer Art Scholarship will take place, and we ask that any Year 11 students completing Year 12 Studio Arts in 2019 consider getting involved and entering into the scholarship. The scholarship includes airfares, accommodation, meals and workshops, with trained staff supervising the 
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Over the last week Oakleigh Grammar has been taking part in the Life Education Van. With much anticipation, students also have the opportunity to meet the “iconic” Healthy Harold the Giraffe. Group 2F were up this week, with the van quickly filling with fun and 
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On Friday 2nd March Oakleigh Grammar will be hosting our very own Clean Up Australia Day, with participation from the Junior School and Year 6 students. In order to promote the responsibility we all have to protect our fragile environment, students will each be allocated 
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