After the Fires – Live Digital VCE Drama Ensemble

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One week ago, our VCE Drama students sat in their homes, turned on their computers and presented their VCE Drama performance After the Fires. As they began the unit earlier this year, no one would have ever thought that Covid-19 would bring upon lockdown restrictions and the inability to perform on stage. Performing live to an audience was a crucial part of the production, and we were very lucky that our Performing Arts Teacher, Mr Felsinger, had the brilliant and unique idea of organising a live digital performance, straight to your screens and being able to view from anywhere in the world.

Rehearsals were shifted from taking place at school to the comfort of their own homes. Mr Felsinger coordinated the performance with the students purely remotely. Although this was the case, our students’ professionalism did not diminish. Instead they were determined to put on a show like no one had ever seen before, performing to the highest degree.

Ticket holders were then provided with a link to the production which was conducted all through Webinar. The online platform allowed the students to perform virtually for an audience, and have complete control of their screens, sound, and lighting. Not only did our students have to learn their lines, the also had to learn how to use this unfamiliar platform.

The production was a huge success, our students were able to evoke such emotion and energy through a visual platform which as a result immersed our viewers completely. The commitment from Mr Felsinger and each one of our students blew us away.

Congratulations to Mr Felsinger and the cast of After the Fires.

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