ANZAC Day Commemoration assembly

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We commenced Term 2 with an ANZAC Day Commemoration that the Evzones – The Greek Presidential Guard were also in attendance for. It was important for us to hold an ANZAC day commemoration assembly to recognise and commemorate the contribution of all those who have served Australia in war-like conflict. Both the Evzones and ANZACs are prime examples of courage, ingenuity, endurance, and mateship.

Regardless of whether us students want to join the army or not, these skills are utterly inspiring and can apply to various aspects of our lives. Arthur and I were lucky enough to join the Evzones for lunch after the commemoration. We learnt some history about their uniform, such as how the iconic pom-poms on their shoes serve the purpose of protecting their toes from the snow and the cold and helped make the shoe waterproof – as well as serving as a handy place to keep a small knife.

We also had conversations about their travels in Australia so far, as it was the first time this specific group visited our country. It was an honour to be involved in the Evzone’s visit as well as the ANZAC Day events. Commemorating Australia’s history reminded us to be grateful for all that we have, one of which is our access to education, starting the term on an appreciative tone.

Written by Toni S, Year 12

Lest We Forget

The Evzones (Greek Presidential Guard) entering the assembly

Father George and the Evzones

Captain Stavros Kouloumpas receiving a gift from Principal Mark Robertson

Lunch with the Evzones

Lunch with the Evzones

Oakleigh Grammar receives a gift from Captain Stavros Kouloumpas

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