Graduating from secondary education and starting university can be a big learning curve for any student, but not for our Oakleigh Grammar Alumni, Natasa & Ilaria. After graduating from our 2018 cohort, this dynamic duo have not only kick started their tertiary education, but 
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One week ago, our VCE Drama students sat in their homes, turned on their computers and presented their VCE Drama performance After the Fires. As they began the unit earlier this year, no one would have ever thought that Covid-19 would bring upon lockdown restrictions 
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For the last 37 years, Oakleigh Grammar has welcomed a colourful array of students through its halls and classrooms. What was once a small Independent College catering to the Greek Community of Oakleigh, has now grown in to large culturally diverse Grammar School, underpinned by 
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This week Oakleigh Grammar begins the process of our first five-year evaluation of the IB MYP programme. The IB evaluation team will develop a report based on their visit, ensuring that the standards and practices of the MYP programmes are being maintained. They will use 
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Oakleigh Grammar works with AEAS to recruit and test international students and meet their families. AEAS events are held annually in China and bring together Australian schools, quality student recruitment agents and international families considering applying to Australian schools. Understanding our key markets, and where 
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Click here to view the letter from our Deputy Principal – Operations, in regards to our updated Covid 19 Library Protocols
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The Premier and the Minister for Education have announced the timeline for the 2020 VCE examinations. This is great news for senior secondary students, their families and teachers supporting them during this unprecedented global event. Written exams will be conducted between 9 November and 2 
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Click here to see the latest Covid 19 correspondence from the School.
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We are currently midway through National Careers Week Australia, an annual event to celebrate careers, career development and career development practitioners. This event is critical for our students to start preparing them for life beyond school, and to help them make better decisions about their 
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Click here to view the latest correspondence from the Principal
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