Growing up, most of us are told that going to university is essential. However, this is not necessarily true for everyone, as each individual thrives from different pathways and many can become successful without the need for further study. This is highlighted by Christopher, an 
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During remote learning, our students relied on technology and screen time to continue their learning from home, and to stay connected with their peers. However, since returning to school, excessive screen time is no longer necessary and can instead lead to unhealthy habits.   It’s almost impossible to avoid our children using screens, so instead 
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As term 2 comes to an end we can look back at this challenging time and be proud of ourselves as an entire School for successfully navigating our way through the past few months. It sure has been a turmoil of events for students, staff, 
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Self-care is important for both adults and children and highlights the need to find the time to do things that will refuel and reboot us. It leads to improvement in our physical, emotional, and mental health. Self-care is particularly important during our current period, with 
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Figuring out what you want do after graduating from High School can be a confusing time. For Anna, this was definitely the case. With a keen interest in health and sciences, she was still unsure of the path she wanted to take. Now as a 
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The Makerspace phenomenon is growing around the world, becoming a hot topic in the education system. The concept is gaining traction for the many benefits they provide students for their time at school and beyond. As of this year, Oakleigh Grammar is excited to announce 
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With school holidays fast approaching, it’s time to start thinking about activities you can do as a family. We are slowly seeing things reopening, with many places starting up again just in time for the break. However, things will still feel a little different with 
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The return to school means the return to a more regular sleep routine. Remote learning meant waking up later for most of our students, however this also meant later bedtimes as many struggled with their sleep habits during this time. Now that we are back 
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After several long weeks of remote learning, all our students have finally made their way back to school for face-to-face learning. Although it’s a relief for parents and guardians that their children are back to school, for many of our students, readjusting to being back 
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