Today, September 2nd, we are celebrating Indigenous Literacy Day. Indigenous Literacy Day aims to raise awareness of the need to support literacy in isolated Indigenous communities, and help raise funds to close the literacy gap and improve the lives and opportunities of Indigenous Australians living 
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Want to know a little bit more about how Oakleigh Grammar is developing in LOTE Mandarin? Watch the video below as Principal, Mark Robertson, interviews our always smiling and informative Mandarin Teacher, Lydia Liu.
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Tomorrow, Wednesday 2nd of September is National Health & Physical Education Day #HPEDay. As we are spending so much time in our chairs at the moment, why not use yours for a workout? Try with your family before dinner! All you need is a chair and 3 
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September 1 marks the beginning of the Ecclesiastical Year, and it was on this day in 1989 that His All-Holiness, the late Ecumenical Patriarch Demetrios I, issued a message on the environment marking the first annual “Day of Prayer for Creation.” Ecclesiastical New Year 1 
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Remote learning is not going to stop our awesome Junior School from getting together, well a socially distanced get together that is, for their monthly assemblies. You can catch up on what has been happening in the videos below: 31st July – 14th August –  
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Oakleigh Grammar strives for creating a strong sense of belonging for our students to the School Community, its Greek heritage and Orthodox Christian Values. This belonging and connection with the Community doesn’t disappear after finishing up at School, and for some students it can have 
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Helping your children stay active during lockdown is just as important as keeping up their motivation and studies within remote learning. When your children were at School their recess and lunch times were most likely filled with running around or playing sport, and when they 
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Article written by Oakleigh Grammar Counsellor As lockdowns and Remote Learning continue endlessly, the novelty has well and truly worn off. Many parents are struggling to keep their children motivated and engaged in on-line classes. The Junior and Middle school students I have spoken to, 
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During this challenging time, we are all experiencing various degrees of anger, sadness and boredom. Usually a way of coping with and navigating our way through these feelings involves trying to find creative outlets. Dealing with the pandemic through creativity allows us to reflect on 
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