Below are some photos of the Year 2s today enjoying their fruit kebabs which they made in class, as part of their ‘Healthy Living’ unit. The students had to bring in fruit from home, which we cut up and placed on skewers. Some of the 
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The Year 3s had a wonderful adventure attending the Royal Botanic Gardens and the Shrine of Remembrance to complement our studies on Community and Remembrance. The students gained a greater understanding and respect for Aboriginal culture. They experienced making and using ochre paint, and held 
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The CSIRO recently published that balloons are part of the top three most harmful pollutants threatening marine wildlife. Everyday balloons are released or accidentally escape from outdoor events, where they almost definitely end up in waterways and the ocean, and can be mistaken by wildlife 
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Our Year 5 Biological Sciences unit understanding, ‘living things have structural features and adaptations that help them to survive in their environment’, took students to the zoo this week. They studied the Asian Elephant, Helmeted Honeyeater, Australian Fur Seal and Philippine Crocodile, paying close attention 
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Our Year 2 students took part in a fun packed workshop run by The Drama Toolbox Company, where they were magically transformed into Full Body Investigators (F.B.I agents). They were ‘shrunk down’ to investigate an unhealthy body system using costumes, drama and movement. Students explored 
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Last weekend SRC members and Middle School Leaders accompanied Ms Calysta Morgan and Mrs Natasha Spanos, to the 78th Anniversary of the Battle of Crete Commemoration. Students attended a service at St Eustathios church in South Melbourne, as well as a small parade at the 
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Today our Principal, Mr Mark Robertson, Father George Adamakis and Members of Board welcomed Lieutenant General Ioannis Paxivanakis, and Lieutenant Colonel Christos Anastasiadis, from the Hellenic Armed Forces to our School. Our visitors had the opportunity to do a tour around our School grounds, and also meet our 
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Our Oakleigh Grammar Debate Team is going from strength to strength, with the most recent bout featuring three wins and two losses. They showed great improvement across the board, especially in the younger levels – picking up more Best Speaker Awards, and a lot of students coping calmly 
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Our Year 11 Psychology students visited the Cunningham Dax Centre in the city on Friday 17th May, where they viewed a series of art pieces created by sufferers of mental illness. The students learned the stories behind the artworks and they also met Nick, a 
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Last Friday, the Oakleigh Grammar Parents’ Association held the highly successful Mother’s Day High Tea at Vanilla, that generously helped raise over $1500 for our students and School. Over 80 mums, grandmothers, staff and very special women in our children’s lives attended the boutique event 
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